Cyberpunk 2077 dredged up bug
Cyberpunk 2077 dredged up bug

cyberpunk 2077 dredged up bug

  • Fixed constraints on freedom to get up and sit down if neither blueline condition is met in Violence.
  • cyberpunk 2077 dredged up bug

  • Adjusted mappings and re-enabled quest tracker in M'ap Tann Pèlen/I Walk the Line/Transmission.
  • Fixed an issue with Nomads no longer present if V leaves the quest area mid-combat in With a Little Help from My Friends/Queen of the Highway.
  • cyberpunk 2077 dredged up bug

  • Fixed issues related to remaining in the second phase of the quest after finishing Pacifica fight with Ozob if played after Finals.
  • Fixed inability to find Delamain in Epistrophy.
  • Fixed issues blocking progress in I Fought The Law if the quest area is left.
  • Fixed an issue with Nix not going into his default state in Spellbound and KOLD MIRAGE.
  • Corrected a rare issue with NPCs no longer calling V if A Like Supreme quest was abandoned mid-way.
  • Fixed an issue with starting conversation with Johnny at the end in Life During Wartime.
  • Fixed an issue with completing the final objective in Gig: Freedom of the Press.

  • Cyberpunk 2077 dredged up bug